Title | The Ark, The Reed, and The Fire Cloud | |
Author | Jenny L. Cote | |
# of Pages | 467 | |
Best for Ages | 8-11 | |
# of Clovers | | |
# of Times Read | |
(paid link)
If you ever read this series, the story gets better as it progresses. This a Christian book, and is a retelling of the Bible story, (from mainly a animal’s perspective) Noah’s Ark. The first part is adventurous, but then gets a little slow, so overall not my favorite one in the series.
The main character is a little Scottish terrier called Max, who lives in Scotland. Max is devoted to the Maker, brave, and scared of water. One day he hears a mysterious Voice saying “ Come to me…Follow the Fire Cloud. This sets him on a journey across the world, as he meets many different types of animals all following The Fire Cloud. I recommend this book, but mainly to read the rest in the series.